
I see life through a spiritual lens. This isn't a choice, I always have. As a tiny child with no religious input, I used to hide in corners and wait for Something to Happen. I remember curling up and lying in one spot for hours, expecting to see Fairies. Had I known about angels back then, I would have been watching for them. As I grew a bit older I tried to pray although I wasn't sure who or what to. I mentioned before that I now realise God was my Hyperfocus. Quite a good choice as half a century on there is still plenty to think about. I have no interest in prescribing what others should think or believe. I respect the views of everyone. I can't prove anything I believe in so why should I think it has more merit than anybody else's faith? (Okay, I do find Flat Earthers... intriguing, shall we say... but then I have known plenty of Christians who have proudly held bizarre beliefs which they wouldn't allow to be challenged, so...) The more I think about neurodiver...